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Thought Leadership

As convener of local and international stakeholders to foster development globally, as well as a trusted implementer on the ground, Crown Agents aims to share lessons learned from a very practical, solution-driven perspective. Being aware what works on the ground, we aim to share our experiences and insights with the sector as a whole, so we can create a prosperous and self-sufficient future together, across the world.

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651 – 660 of 1199

FCDO and Crown Agents join forces to deliver 4 million Covid-19 vaccines to 11 countries across the globe

News item Procurement

Ukraine 2021: Program 5 Medical products for patients with epidermolysis bullosa / Програма 5 – Медичні вироби для громадян, які страждають на бульозний епідермоліз

Procurement notice Ukraine

Ukraine 2021: Programme 6 Medicines for pre & post transplantation / Програма 6 – Закупівля медикаментів для хворих у до- та післяопераційний період з трансплантації

Procurement notice Ukraine

Ukraine 2021: Programme 8 Medicines for children with mental & behavioural disorders / Програма 8 – Лікарські засоби для дітей, хворих на розлади психіки та поведінки

Procurement notice Ukraine

SuTRA: Managing local funds in Nepal

Project Nepal

Tackling corruption in healthcare procurement: Lessons for reformers

News item Procurement

Creating resilient health supply chains through localisation strategies


Citi Bank promotes partnership with Crown Agents

News item

Sky News interviews Crown Agents on G7 vaccine pledges and what needs to happen next

CA in the news item

Sky News Interview with CEO Fergus Drake on the G7 vaccine donation pledges and what comes next.

CA in the news item Sky News