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Thought Leadership

As convener of local and international stakeholders to foster development globally, as well as a trusted implementer on the ground, Crown Agents aims to share lessons learned from a very practical, solution-driven perspective. Being aware what works on the ground, we aim to share our experiences and insights with the sector as a whole, so we can create a prosperous and self-sufficient future together, across the world.

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631 – 640 of 1199

Lessons learned and tools: beneficiary feedback in NTD programmes

Blog Health

Mastering the NTD Master Plan: Lessons learned from the Ascend project

Blog Paul Smithson Health South Sudan

Paul Smithson

Profile Senior Advisor for Health, Abt Associates - Crown Agents' Ascend partner organisation

Tanzania – ESDP – FY2018

Procurement notice Tanzania

Ukraine 2021: Program 7 Procurement of consumables to determine the blood glucose/glycosylated haemoglobin levels / Програма 7 – Витратні матеріали для визначення рівня глюкози в крові, глікованого гемоглобіну

Procurement notice Ukraine

The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation and Crown Agents join forces to accelerate the elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases across five African countries 

News item Health

Ukraine 2021: Program 9 -Endoprostheses and implantation kits / Програма 9 – Ендопротези та набори для імплантації

Procurement notice Ukraine

Understanding challenges and opportunities of Community Health Workers operating in times of COVID-19


Leave no one behind: Reaching people connected to the streets in Kenya with Schistosomiasis health information and preventive medication

Blog Kenya

Strengthening Communication and Integration with WASH to Eliminate NTDs Lessons from South Sudan

Blog South Sudan