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Thought Leadership

As convener of local and international stakeholders to foster development globally, as well as a trusted implementer on the ground, Crown Agents aims to share lessons learned from a very practical, solution-driven perspective. Being aware what works on the ground, we aim to share our experiences and insights with the sector as a whole, so we can create a prosperous and self-sufficient future together, across the world.

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531 – 540 of 1199

Viet Nam – ESDP – FY2021

Procurement notice Vietnam

‘Patience is a virtue’: Responding to the FCDO International Development Strategy

Blog Paul Wafer Governance and Public Administration

Sierra Leone Compact Development Unit. SPN for Agriculture Economist – individual consultant

Procurement notice Sierra Leone

Nigeria – ESDP – FY2020-2

Procurement notice Nigeria

Cabo Verde – ESDP – FY2021 – Updated

Procurement notice Cabo Verde

35 million items of PPE donated by the Government of Ireland to five countries in sub-Saharan Africa

News item Philanthropy & Private Partnerships Ethiopia Kenya Tanzania Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe

Meeting critical oxygen needs in Kenya, Ethiopia and Zimbabwe

Project Health Ethiopia Kenya Zimbabwe

Saving Lives in Ukraine: A view from our Director of Stabilisation, James Blair

Blog Early Recovery Humanitarian Response Stabilisation

Загальне повідомлення про закупівлі за рахунок коштів бюджету МОЗ України 2022 року: Закупівля лікарських засобів, виробів медичного призначення та реагентів для Міністерства охорони здоров’я (МОЗ) України

Procurement notice Ukraine

Crown Agents Ukraine – General Procurement Notice – Ukraine MOH Budget 2022: Procurement of medicines, medical devices and reagents for Ministry of Health (MOH), Ukraine

Procurement notice Ukraine