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Thought Leadership

As convener of local and international stakeholders to foster development globally, as well as a trusted implementer on the ground, Crown Agents aims to share lessons learned from a very practical, solution-driven perspective. Being aware what works on the ground, we aim to share our experiences and insights with the sector as a whole, so we can create a prosperous and self-sufficient future together, across the world.

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401 – 410 of 1197

Incentives for women in healthcare are improving livelihoods

Blog Health South Sudan

General Procurement Notice – MCA Timor Leste

Procurement notice Timor-Leste

IND2/2023/ICS/CDF/05 Procurement of Individual Consultants as Technical Evaluation Panel for Infrastructure related Projects for the Compact Development Team (CDT) / Millennium Challenge Account – Indonesia II

Procurement notice Indonesia

Vaccine research and development capacity in Central and West Asia: A path toward sustainable vaccine R&D programs

CA in the news item Frontiers

Vaccine Research and Development Capacity in Central and West Asia: A path towards sustainable R and D programmes

Thought Leadership Health Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Uzbekistan

Supporting Ukraine – A Compendium of U.S. Assistance Initiatives

CA in the news item Professional Services Council

Opinion Piece by CEO Fergus Drake OBE: Peace in Ukraine will depend on one crucial thing

CA in the news item The Independent

Op-Ed: Peace in Ukraine will depend on one crucial thing

CA in the news item Governance and Public Administration Humanitarian Response Ukraine

A year on since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Rockstar Slava Vakarchuk urges Ukrainians to ‘keep going’ in exclusive tribute concert

News item Humanitarian Response Philanthropy & Private Partnerships Ukraine

SLCDU/CDF/QCBS/2022/11 – HR Recruitment Firm

Procurement notice Sierra Leone