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Thought Leadership

As convener of local and international stakeholders to foster development globally, as well as a trusted implementer on the ground, Crown Agents aims to share lessons learned from a very practical, solution-driven perspective. Being aware what works on the ground, we aim to share our experiences and insights with the sector as a whole, so we can create a prosperous and self-sufficient future together, across the world.

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Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Policy Advisor

Procurement notice

Lessons learned from the Global Supply Chain Forum in Barbados #unsupplychain: What are the unique challenges the SIDS face, and how can we mitigate against them? 


Prequalification of the Companies for the procurement of works of reconstruction in 2×2 lanes of the Bohicon Road – Dassa Zoumè (83,17 km) • Lot 1: 2×2-lane reconstruction of the Bohicon – Setto section of the RNIE2 (37 km) and the City of Bohicon bypass (6.72 km); • Lot 2: Reconstruction works in 2×2 lanes of the Setto – Dassa Zoumè section of the RNIE2 (39.45 km) including the construction of a second bridge over the Zou River with a 60 ml span and a modern type toll and weighing station

Procurement notice Benin

Préqualification des Entreprises en vue de la passation de marchés de Travaux de reconstruction en 2×2 voies de la Route Bohicon – Dassa Zoumè (83,17 km) • Lot 1 : Travaux de reconstruction en 2×2 voies de la section Bohicon – Setto de la RNIE2 (37 km) et de la voie de contournement de la ville de Bohicon (6,72 km) ; • Lot 2 : Travaux de reconstruction en 2×2 voies de la section Setto – Dassa Zoumè de la RNIE2 (39,45 km) y compris la construction d’un second pont sur le fleuve Zou de portée 60 ml et d’un poste de péage et de pesage de type moderne

Procurement notice Benin

CHAMPS Sierra Leone introduces Child Deaths Audits into hospital health service delivery to prevent deaths of children under five

CA in the news item African Young Voices (AYV)TV and the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC)

CHAMPS Sierra Leone introduces Child Death Audits into hospital health service delivery to prevent deaths of children under five

News Health Sierra Leone

Project SWACHH (Sustainable Waste Management and Community Health Initiative in Haridwar)

Project Climate & Energy India

CHAMPS Weekly Highlights


Monthly CHAMPS Bulletins



Procurement notice Zambia