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  • For Japanese Aid Programmes, please register for each project through the “Register” button located at the right hand side of each procurement notice.
  • The unique Crown Agents’ five/six-character project code will be automatically entered in the project code column in the supplier registration page.
    The five/six-character project code can also be found at the top right hand side of each procurement notice.
    If no project code is entered, the registration will be invalid for Japanese procurement programmes.
  • If there is more than one registration from the same company, the latest registration shall be used.
    Only one email address shall be registered for each procurement notice.
  • Registered information can be changed either by 1) registering again or 2) sending an email to Crown Agents at with the subject header “Supplier Registration – Modification Request – Name of the Company/Firm”.
  • Invitation to tender will be issued only to eligible companies whose online Supplier Registration Form has been completed by 5.00 pm (Japan time) on the business day prior to the issuing date of each invitation to tender.

The Ethical Code for Business Partners  and the Business Partner Questionnaire can be downloaded below.

  • To register as a supplier for Ukrainian government programmes, click here.
  • To register as a supplier for all other Crown Agents programmes click here.

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