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Training course

Executive leadership in Action – Short Course /

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This short course is a condensed version of our two-week Executive Leadership in Action (approved by the Institute of Leadership and Management) course. Designed for the executive who wants to develop their personal insight and effectiveness and to grow as a leader, this programme will provide an opportunity to explore your strengths in a trusting, peer-to-peer environment.

Delegates will identify the qualities and values of a successful leader and how to apply these to their own personal development journey. Prior to the course they will identify a real-life challenge to work through during the week and will focus on influence, conflict resolution, taking responsibility and making difficult decisions.

Delegates will focus on influencing strategies and skills and the use of power to identify their own preferred way of making an impact and engaging with people. Delegates will also assess the benefits of coaching practices, how to create a coaching culture in their organisation and how to coach others for improved performance.

Course Objectives

On completion, you will be able to:

  • Understand your own leadership style by examining your personal values and preferences
  • Appreciate how emotional intelligence can help you to grow as a leader and an individual
  • Improve your influencing skills
  • Use power appropriately to deal with difficult situations and individuals
  • Improve your communication skills, using personal influencing techniques for resolving conflicts and getting the best out of people
  • Apply basic coaching skills for performance improvement
  • Return to work with a practical Personal Development Plan

All courses will be conducted entirely in English. A proficient level of both spoken and written English is required by all delegates so that they are able to fully benefit from the course and participate in our interactive style of training.

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