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Fergus Drake OBE /

Chief Executive Officer

Fergus has over two decades of experience delivering humanitarian and development programmes around the world.  Since becoming CEO in 2017 Fergus has led the transformation of Crown Agents work which now reaches over 70 million people a year across 85 countries.  In particular the response to the war in Ukraine and the global COVID19 pandemic has showcased the organisations ability to inspect, procure, freight and deliver critical life saving drugs and equipment to the last mile in fragile states.  Due to its strong network of relationships and country offices around the world Crown Agents is trusted by Governments, Institutional Donors, Corporates and Foundations to deliver impactful work through the range of its technical expertise across Supply Chain, Humanitarian and Health, Government System Strengthening programmes and Training & Professional Development courses.

Prior to Crown Agents Fergus was Executive Director of Global Programmes at Save the Children UK. He has also worked at the centre of government, including roles with HM Treasury in the UK and embedded in the Government of Rwanda with the Office of Tony Blair where he established a Co-ordination & Delivery Unit across Government. He has also led significant public sector change programmes for Deloitte in their Strategy and Operations practice in the UK and was Country Director for Tearfund’s Disaster Response Team in Liberia and East Africa.

When not at work, Fergus’ time is dedicated to his family, ferrying his four children to sporting fixtures and, when possible, hill walking. Fergus is passionate about transforming the lives of millions of people and leading Crown Agents on the next stage of its journey as a trusted global development partner.

Fergus was awarded an OBE in the 2023 New Year’s Honours List for services to UK/Ukraine relations in the Health sector.